Tag: Bikers

Brass Knuckles Beer Koozie
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So beer drinkers, we know there are a lot of you out there.
Many of you are Professional Kooziers. Yes, you can be a Professional Koozier, you know who you are.
You’re the guy or gal who won’t leave home without a Koozie, or you have one already stored on your bike for ice cold beer whenever it appears.
Well, now you can step up your game and really be a Pro and look like a Badass biker at the same time.
Check Out This Brass Knuckles Beer Koozie!
The Brass Knuckles Koozie makes your beer extra tough. Dare anyone to mess with you when you’re keeping your beer chilled in this coozie. You will be outsmarting all those guys who are just holding their beers in their hands, plus intimidating them at the same time! This is the kind of koozie a real biker would have. Posers would never dare!
Now you can look cool and keep your drink Ice cold at the same time!
Bring out the Badass Biker In You …
Get your hands on this Brass Knuckles Beer Koozie, while supplies last

This Brass Knuckles Beer Koozie is available now exclusively at republicanlegion.com.
You can help support the Chuck & Deb Show by using our affiliate links.
This high quality insulated foam sleeve helps keep your cold can or bottle beverage super cold while keeping your hands warm and dry. Works on cans or bottles and beer works on just about anybody.
When you get your Brass Knuckles Beer Koozie post a picture of your badass self. We want to see you!
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